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a collection of research articles and opinion pieces written by me

Hello and welcome to the place where I publish all of my written pieces! Some are on Fourth Floor (a London-based collective) and Exeposé (Exeter University's student-run newspaper) so I figured having them in one place would make it easier for both readers and myself.

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My name is Lina Razia Idrees. I am half Pakistani half Bangladeshi and have spent a majority of my life growing up in Singapore. I am currently entering my final year studying Law LLB at the University of Exeter. I have a passion for writing and engaging in discourse on topics such as gender, politics, and race. My hobbies include reading, drinking an absurd amount of coffee, listening to podcasts and taking photos on my film camera.

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Windrush Review: will lessons actually be learned?

Statue of Edward Colston torn down in Bristol, England, CNN The death of George Floyd at the hands of the United States authorities led...

Aurat March: Pakistan's first annual women's march

International’s Women Day is celebrated across the world as people come together to push for women’s rights and gender equality. The way...

The Rohingya Crisis: an ongoing human rights issue

Who are the Rohingya? For years, Myanmar’s authorities fuelled a discriminatory system in Rakhine State, separating Rohingya Muslims from...

Sudan's Women: the leaders of a revolution

Sudan’s capital in December 2018( EPA ) It has been a year since the mass protests broke out in Sudan in response to the government’s...

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